Tuesday, March 17, 2009


James 4:2b-3 You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Lets talk religiously for a moment. What will you epitaph read? Will it be something for your family like "Good husband and father?" Or maybe scriptural like John 3:16? Want to know the one which grieves me for the church? "You do not have because you do not ask God." Frightening, isn't it to know we do not receive from the Lord because we don't ask. Its my hope our church won't have this as their epitaph! Here is the religious part...when you read this, its really easy to jump up and say, "Hey, it wasn't God's will!" Sounds like a great religious answer. But let me implore you, don't use this theological viewpoint to excuse a lack of prayer. God's desire is to pour out His blessing on us, we just aren't asking for His will!

Let me put it to you another way. As I was preaching this message (House of Prayer), God began to reveal to me the spiritual state of His church. Our body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, is now His dwelling place! Its where His Spirit lives. Not a temple made of brick and mortar, but an actual living, breathing temple who God created. And you know what...God desires for His new home to be a House of Prayer! Even if it means turning over the tables and chairs in your life and revealing the things He wants to change! My house will be a house of prayer! Are you getting this? Lets not wait until we are physically dead to find this out!

1. What will your epitaph read?
2. Have you ever used theology to excuse your lack of prayer or not receiving from God?
3. Is your house a house of prayer?
4. What does God need to reveal in your life to make sure you are a house of prayer?

*Devotional thoughts inspired by sermon of Pastor Jim Cymbala and his book "Fresh Power"

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