Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Mark 5:22b-23 Seeing Jesus, hefell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, "My little daughter is dying. Please comeand put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live."

Yesterday morning I woke up around 4:30am and had a difficult time returning to sleep. After a few attempts, I decided to go on into church because I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep. I walked into the church about 5:30am and began to pray for the service and seeking God for what He wanted to say to the church. After engaging in prayer, God reminded me of a passage of scripture He brought me to three weeks ago. The story was the miracle of Jairus' Daughter. As I read the scriptures, both in Luke 8 and Mark 5, I began to see a story come to life with Spiritual implications. The church, just like Jairus' daughter, is in a place where we need to come back from a spiritual state of death and wake up. Over the next few days, I want to explore this story in our devotions and see what God wants to speak into our lives. Are you ready to listen?

The first thing the Holy Spirit revealed through God's Word was how Jairus acted. Note what he did in Mark 5:22, Jairus saw othe words, he was seeking Him! Jairus knew who the answer was. Who is the answer to our Spiritual condition? Then pay careful attention to Jairus' physical reaction when he met with Jesus..."he fell at His feet and pleaded earnestly with Him." Jairus gave us a complete and accurate description of how we can come before Jesus. Are you falling at feet of Jesus? Are you pleading earnestly with Him? Finally, lets take Jairus' words and use them by prophetically praying for the church, Christ's bride:

"Lord, your bride is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live!" Seek Jesus, Fall at His feet, and Pray...

1. What is God speaking to you through this story?
2. Is the Church asleep? or Dying? Can it wake up?
3. What can we do? Seek...Fall...Pray...

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