Thursday, March 5, 2009


Mark 10:15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Last night I had the opportunity to teach the children at Kids Club. Its my once a month "Pastor Time"! Truth be told, I love going. Kids are so receptive to the things of God. There is no question why Christ said we must accept Him like a child. In a kid's eyes, God really can do anything. Where or how did we lose that childlike wonder as adults?

As I finished up my lesson (Water Baptism), I gave them an opportunity to ask any questions they might have. Lots of little hands went up. After answering several of their queires, one little girl made a comment and said she wanted her dad to come and watch her be baptized. She followed that up by saying her dad didn't believe in God and she and her mom were praying for him. Sound like childlike faith? After I answered two more questions, another little girl raised her hand. When we called on her, she said that we needed to pray for this other girls dad. In a moment where she could have used the time for herself, she was more concerned about praying for someone else's need. Not intending to put her on the spot, I asked her to pray for the other girl. She did...and for some reason, I truly believe and know God will answer the prayer of both these young girls.

So now each of you find yourself in a place where God has called you to a time of Prayer and Fasting. Have you wondered how to pray yet? Let the example of these girls and their faith be a starting point for this time. Maybe we should all commit to praying with the faith of a child. As today's devotion is on "HOW" to pray, tomorrow I will be sharing with each of you "HOW NOT" to pray...

1. Does prayer intimidate you? Why or why not?
2. Do you ever wonder about what to pray? Why or why not?
3. Have you lost childlike faith in your prayer since you have become an adult? Why or why not
4. How can you learn how to pray with faith like a child? Ask God to show you...


  1. How often we, as adults, forget that childlike quality we should have in our prayers. We seem to "dial up" God, dump our wishes on Him, and hang up. We never take time to listen. A child sits at God's feet and listens. I need to listen more...

  2. Jack is correct that as adults we forget what it was like to be a child and just believe; for what ever reason that is, we as adults need to find a way to go back to that kind of faith. Children not only sit at God's feet and listen, they also sit in His lap as they would do with their own earthly dad's. When was the last time you could see yourself sitting on God's lap, resting in His arms, and allowing Him to comfort and advise you without saying 'but,' or 'I can't . . .'? When was the last time you spoke to Him as a 'father'? He wants more than anything to be 'our father' in every since of the words, and we need to accept Him in that role, when we do, it becomes easier to have that'childlike faith.'
