The other day I mentioned that the icing on cake was my favorite part. Do you ever save the best for last? I usually eat all the way around the cake before I finish with the icing! Well, this devotional about Jairus' daughter is my favorite. This is when we can really begin to see the prophetic implications of the story.
First lets start by reading another passage of Scripture, just one verse, but you will see how they come together. Joel 2:28 says "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people." Do you see what I see? I see another Conjunction Junction...'and afterward.' When God uses these, we must go backwards and see the verses that are joined together. If we, the church, want Joel 2:28, we must experience Joel 1:1 through Joel 2:27. We must fast, pray, and yes, wake up (Joel 1:5). And when this happens, God promises He will pour out His Spirit! I desire for this to happen! Don't you?
Look at what happened with Jairus' daughter and let God's words jump off the page. "My child, get up! Her spirit returned..." WOW! I love when God's word comes together and He teaches us something new! Go back and read these 5 devotionals again and recall what God is speaking to us. We, the church, are in the same spiritual condition as Jairus' daughter! But when we seek, fall, pray, and believe, He will pour out His Spirit! His Spirit will return into the life of the church just the same as it returned into the life of this little girl! This makes me want to stand up and shout and praise God!
Lord, as Your people engage in battle during this time of prayer and fasting, will You awaken the church? Will You pour out Your Spirit into our sleeping body? We need You now more than ever and we rest on your promise...And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit...
1. What is God speaking to you?